Cognition, Learning, Attention
Building your child’s ability to stay engaged in a task for a longer period of time, reading, writing and participation in other school related and learning activities.
Community Opportunities
Going to restaurants and movies, going grocery shopping, church, birthday parties, or family functions. Visiting the library, zoo or running errands.
Do you understand what milestones your child should be achieving at their age and do you know to provide the “just right” challenge?
Emotional regulation
Understanding the reason behind your child’s behavior and having the strategies to manage outbursts, stuck thoughts and inflexibility. Helping build your child’s self-regulation, understanding their own feeling/emotions and developing coping strategies when feeling fragile.
Inclusion in the family
Having family members understand the child’s special abilities, relationships among siblings, feeling connected to each other and having special activities that families can do together.
Inclusion in the home
Organizing bedtime/morning routines, managing simple chores, sitting at the table during meals, going and staying asleep.
Learning through Technology
Using technology to enhance your child’s communication, build visual supports/schedules, regulate, motivate, participate with their friends, or just to have fun.
Life Skills
Using a phone, ordering and paying for food, using a bank/library card or riding a bus. Staying close in the community, knowing what to do if lost, how to cross the street, make safe choices and avoid talking to strangers.
Motivation and play
Is it hard to determine your child’s preferences or interests? Do they seem curious about the world around them or are they only motivated by their own preoccupations? Do you find it difficult to engage your child in activites or play?
Motor skills
Riding a bike, playing on all of the equipment at the park, holding a pencil and cutting with scissors. Using two hands together to play an instrument, or make a simple snack. Motor planning new or novel tasks.
Following your child’s lead in play, building on your child’s play interests to help them grow and learn.
Independence in getting dressed, managing fasteners, feeding, toileting, organizing belongings, bathing, brushing teeth, wiping nose etc.
Sensory processings
Is your child’s world too bright, too loud, or too busy? Do they chew on everything, or are constantly on the go? Do they twirl, spin or seem clumsy and awkward? Do they have extreme reactions to common everyday events and you are not sure why?
Social skills
Understanding hidden social rules, making and keeping friends, participating in social opportunities in the community (e.g. Girl Guides, swimming, yoga, martial arts) and feeling included, having hobbies and special leisure pursuits.
Speech and Language
Using their words to express their thoughts and feelings, being understood by others (intelligibility), comprehension of language, understanding non-verbal communication and hidden social rules.

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