To empower families with children with developmental needs by enhancing their strengths, building their skills and creating solutions through partnerships to achieve lasting, positive and meaningful growth over time.
Services provided by Over the Rainbow are founded on the belief that:
- Families are the most important influences in their children’s lives.
- Recognizes and preserves the unique direction and initiative that parents/caregivers take in their child’s growth and learning. Respect for and confidence in a family’s own nature, strengths and competencies is valued.
- Every family is unique. Taking due account of the importance of the beliefs, traditions and cultural values of each family for the harmonious development of the child.
- The most effective service acknowledges that connected, relevant and family focused goals promote permanency in the midst of changing needs.
- Change occurs in the context of a dynamic partnership with parents/caregivers that is founded on shared responsibility for and participation in the development of solutions.
- The child’s individual strengths and needs must be considered in enabling the process of learning.
- Program design and practices promote close collaboration with other community agencies so that a broad array of comprehensive services are available for families.
- Families deserve objective and consistent information in helping them exercise their right to make informed choices.
- Families with children with developmental needs have the right to inclusiveness in their community based on the ideals of tolerance, dignity, equality and respect.
Our vision is a world where the “dreams that [families] dare to dream really do come true.”